Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Must be the Weather

It is HOT here. In the 90's and for North Dakota that is extremely hot. I keep telling you I am not a big fan of pink, but some of my prettiest beads come out as pinkies. I know that part of it is the rubino glass. It really is a fun glass to work with and it does do nice things.

I pulled some murrini the other day. It's like pulling stringers for me. When nothing else is clicking, I pull stringers and twisties with what is piled up by the torch. So these are what I got...
So now they need to be used, so we took the pink/rubino/white and made this.And as I am trying to learn how I can control what they can do, I ended up with more.
And there you have it. That's a lot of pink for me, so we shall blame it on the heat.


  1. I'm loving what the heat made you do! The pink murrini's are awesome & turned out great in your new focal beads :)

  2. Looks like hot weather is headed our way then. Nice job on the murinni.

  3. yes..I would say pink looks good on you~ :)

  4. Oooo, I like them, but I can't tell how big/small they are. I don't know what I would do with one but I sure do like them.

  5. They're lovely Deronda. You know I love pink. But I also love me some heat. Send it this way -- we're in the middle of a big rainy thing right now.
